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Sing. Pray. Think. Laugh. Eat. Worship.

Join us for worship at 10:00am each Sunday for our English Service and 11:30am for our Spanish Service in our beautiful sanctuary, where we give our thanks, praise, and prayers to God, in a blended service where we open our hearts and minds to the power of the Spirit to transform ourselves and our community.  Some folks wear suits, and some wear jeans… however you are comfortable, come as you are.


Both our Sunday morning services are also LIVESTREAMED over the internet on our River Oaks United Methodist Church Face Book Page and our River Oaks United Methodist Church You Tube Page as well.  Our Sunday morning worship services are both filled with praise an worship music and wonderful messages from Pastor Samuel Macias


Both services center around the Scripture readings and a series of sermons. Though we aren’t shy about tackling challenging subjects, we always remember not to take ourselves too seriously. We leave room for laughter – and we know that sometimes mistakes happen. (The Good News isn’t that we are supposed to be perfect, after all – the Good News is that we are loved, even with all our imperfections.) 


As sisters and brothers in Christ, we take time in each week’s services to be in prayer for one another. The Pastoral Prayer and our Joys and Concerns time is an opportunity to lift up joys and concerns, hurts, hopes, and dreams. 


On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the joyful Feast of God’s Grace – gathering around the Communion Table.  We believe that it is the living Christ who invites us to the Table, and we trust that his invitation is for ALL people. With that in mind, anyone and everyone is welcome to share in the Bread and the Cup.  That being said, we also have a church wide pot luck luncheon after a combined English and Spanish service where we celebrate in both languages and enjoy the fellowship with our brothers and sisters. Feel free to stay and partake of some great food, fun and fellowship.





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