Tiffany Aller
Youth Director
Tiffany wasn’t born in Texas – or as a Methodist – but she got here as soon as she could. She’s a professional freelance writer in the human resources, healthcare, and home improvement/real estate verticals, and a published author. In addition, she’s a proud police wife and the mom to two beautiful children: Catherine and Jeffrey. She is on the executive board of the Burton Hill Elementary PTO, a Room Mom and Girl Scout leader, a director of the Westworth Village Crime Control and Prevention District, and is involved in a handful of additional civic and church groups. For fun, she enjoys performing music (violin, piano, voice), researching her family's genealogy, completing creative projects, and reading several books each week. She looks forward to planning especially special events for the children and youth of ROUMC.

ROUMY Purpose Statement – To reach out to all junior and senior high students; to provide the opportunity to know and grow in Christ; to share God’s word; to serve others less fortunate; and to unite in Christian fellowship.
In 2016 River Oaks United Methodist Youth will be focusing on growing in our relationship with Christ and learning to be more comfortable telling others about our faith. On Sunday nights, we are working our way through the Bible, beginning in Genesis, and finding the story of Christ thread through both the Old Testament and New Testament. On Wednesday nights, we are looking at different Elements of the Christian faith, including discipleship, service, prayer, and grace. ROUMY participates in many service projects like helping at Texas Lions’ Camp, going on Mission Trips, and hosting food drives to benefit the church pantry. We also enjoy times of fellowship, when we spend time getting to know one another better and having FUN.
Email: riveroaksumc@yahoo.com for youth schedule and activities